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We don’t really like to think about our cats having fleas. And that’s why they’re something all of us pet parents need to be aware of, so we can help stop flea problems from happening.

Fleas may seem like simple parasites, but they can create quite a complicated problem if we don’t stay on top of them. The itching they cause can make our cats feel miserable, plus fleas can cause skin conditions and transmit tapeworms. Here’s what our pet experts think cat parents need to know about these parasites, so we can help keep our felines feeling good.



Fleas are tiny – just one to two millimetres long – and they’re dark coloured, which means they can often look like specks of dirt unless we spot them moving. They’re particularly difficult to spot on long-haired cats or those with dark fur. But don’t worry, we’ve got the tips pet parents need on how to spot fleas, so you can see if your cat has them or not. 

And then there’s knowing whether fleas on your cat have led to fleas in the house. To help you identify if this is happening in your home, take a look at the key signs of a home infestation.

Tabby cat bounding through the grass
Black cat and hedgehog, nose to nose
Close up of a jumping flea

Tackling the problem

Whether you find fleas on your pet or in your house, taking prompt action is really important. It will help stop the problem escalating any further. Flea problems can blow up quickly due to the amount of flea eggs each female flea can lay (up to 50 a day!).

We’ve got you covered with our step-by-step guide to getting rid of fleas in the house. Or, if you’ve only found fleas on your cat so far (phew!), take a look at how to solve a flea a problem on your pet.

Preventing fleas from becoming a problem

It’s a lot easier for us to prevent fleas than it is to deal with an infestation. That’s because cats can pick up fleas wherever untreated pets or wildlife have been. Even indoor cats can get a problem if a hitchhiker flea or two comes home on a human family member – or another pet. 

Fortunately, prevention is really simple – and to make it even easier, our experts have put together a three-step guide to preventing fleas on our pets and in our homes.

Cat being fussed
Cat being fussed

About fleas and kittens

Flea infestations are more dangerous for kittens due to their smaller size. Fleas can cause anaemia, and it’s really sad to think, but this can be fatal if the problem isn’t sorted in time. The good news is, some flea treatments are suitable for kittens over a specific age and body weight. Take a look at our guide on flea treatment for your kitten to learn more.


Cat Fleas
Dog Fleas
House Fleas & Ticks
Spotting the signs of a home flea infestation

Spotted fleas in your home? The pet experts at FRONTLINE® can help you spot the signs of an infestation and what you can do about it. 

Dog Fleas
Cat Fleas
How to spot fleas on your pet

Fleas are out in full force during the summer, hiding in homes, parks and gardens. Learn all the essentials as we teach you how to spot fleas on your dog or cat.

Cat Fleas
Dog Fleas
House Fleas & Ticks
Why are fleas still alive after treatment?

We talk you through the three key reasons you're still seeing active fleas on your dog or cat - even after flea and tick treatment - and what you need to do now.

Cat Fleas
Dog Fleas
House Fleas & Ticks
Flea prevention for dogs and cats

Prevention is better than cure - learn how to prevents and protect your pets from fleas all year round, with expert advice.

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Got a question about fleas, ticks or worms? We can help! Take a look at our FAQs or send us a message.

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From advanced flea and tick treatments to household sprays, our products are developed by experts to help keep your pet and home protected.