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Pets are a big part of the family, so of course we want to look after our dogs and help keep them feeling good – especially as all the walking and happiness they bring into our lives helps us stay healthy!

Whether your canine companion is new to you or has been the hub of your home for a while, there are lots of ways you can care for your dog. Here are some of the key things to consider.



Grooming gives us the chance to give dogs a quick health check, helps keeps their coat and skin in good condition and gets them used to being handled, which comes in handy when they have to go to the vet. Find out how to keep your dog clean to avoid that distinctive doggy smell and how to groom them from top to toe, including teeth. We’ve even got tips on DIY clipping and trimming.

Dog on a sofa panting
Dog looking at you with head tilted and a quizzical look
King Charles Spaniel looking up expectantly

Put a stop to parasites

Our dogs love a good walk, roll and run outside – and who are we to stop them? But just doing these simple things can put them at risk of picking up parasites such as fleas and ticks – irritating parasites that can have serious health implications. Treating dogs regularly with a flea and tick treatment helps to protect our pets and homes. And worming them regularly will help prevent the problems internal parasites can cause, too.

Spot the signs of sickness

For most of us pet parents, the first thing we notice when our dogs are ill is that they don’t seem their usual selves. You know your dog best of all – if their habits change, visit the vet.

Keep an eye out for signs such as sneezing, coughing, skin irritation or lumps, as well as more obvious signs such as vomiting or a change in appetite, weight or sleeping habits. And learn the signs of Lyme disease and babesiosis too, just in case a tick transmits one of these diseases to your dog.

Jogger running in the countryside on a clear day with a dog on a lead
Jogger running through the countryside on a clear day with a dog on a lead

Learn dog body language

Dogs may not be able to speak to us with words, but they can tell us a lot in other ways – here’s a quick guide to understanding their body language. Our pups are often clearly happy to have us home, but some suffer from separation anxiety when we’re not around. To help with that, there are tips to consider before leaving a puppy alone and expert advice on ways to help calm an anxious dog.

Watch out for toxic plants

It’s important to be aware that there are some things dogs just shouldn’t eat (as much as they might want to!). See if your home or garden needs dog-proofing by taking a look at the plants that are toxic to dogs.

Beware of the weather

We associate the sun with fun, but it’s not always like that for our dogs. If it’s too warm or a dog is left in vehicle unattended (even with the windows open) they can quickly overheat – and this can have very serious consequences. Learn the signs of heatstroke so you know when to act fast and get tips on keeping your pet cool to help prevent such problems from happening.  

There are also other seasonal risks to consider, so taking steps to prevent sunburn and knowing what to do if a dog is stung by a wasp or bee is important.


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Protecting your dog from sunburn

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Keeping your dog clean is important for their health. If you're worried about smelliness in your four-legged friend, check out our pet experts' tips on bathing your pup!

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Cooling summer treats for your dog

Discover 3 easy steps to keep your pets cool this summer. Help your hot dog to become as cool as a cat with canine iced lolly recipes and cold chew toy treats.

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What to do if your dog or cat is stung by a bee or wasp: our emergency summer tips

Summer travel wellbeing advice and emergency care top tips for pet parents to know, such as treatments for your dog or cat if they get stung by a bee or wasp.

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How to keep your pet cool this summer

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From advanced flea and tick treatments to household sprays, our products are developed by experts to help keep your pet and home protected.