
How to make a kitten's new home safe

Science shows that stroking a cat can help us release the feel-good hormones oxytocin, serotonin and dopamine, reducing anxiety and even the chance of having a stroke or heart attack. No wonder we can’t wait to bring our new little kittens home! We know they’re good for us – let’s find out what we can do for them. These tips will make bringing home a kitten a safer and happier experience for us both.

Why kitten-proofing is important

Kittens are curious creatures and can be into everything, so thinking about potential dangers is important. Kittens are also excellent climbers and can scramble up into all sorts of odd places, so keeping things out of reach is sometimes easier said than done. That’s why it’s good to be doubly sure by not only putting things out of reach (behind closed cupboard doors, if possible) but also closing lids and flaps too in the case of bottles or packets. Anything to keep that kitten safe!


Our top 10 ways to remove hazards from the home

  • Tie back blind cords – they can make for a very tempting toy but can get caught around a kitten’s neck. Either tie up the cords or use a blind safety device.

  • Remove electrical cables – kittens can chew on these, so remove them from reach.

  • Clear away small items – welcoming a pet into the house is a great excuse not to leave things lying around! Little bits and pieces on the floor or low down might look tasty to a little kitten.

  • Keep the lid down on the loo – sometimes cats drink from the toilet. It’s also possible a kitten could fall in and drown. Luckily, closed lids stop this happening.

  • Be aware of your plants – some plants are toxic to cats, including several common flowers such as daffodils, lilies and azaleas. If in doubt, check it out – we’ve helped you out with a list of plants toxic to pets. Cactuses can also cause them an injury.

  • Keep cosy-looking places closed – rubbish bins, laundry hampers and washing machines all look like nice warm, dark places to curl up if you’re a kitten. But they’re not safe, so keep them shut.

  • Put household chemicals in a safe place – bleach, antifreeze, detergents, fertilisers, insecticides… all these and more can be toxic to cats. Play it safe and keep them out of reach. Also, make sure any spillages are mopped up quickly, before kitten walks through and licks its paws afterwards.

  • Keep medicines away from kittens – as with chemicals, medicines can be highly poisonous to cats, including basics such as paracetamol and ibuprofen. Keep things locked away.

  • Put breakables out of reach – that vase on the windowsill or ornament on the hearth might look great, but it could get in the way of a curious kitty and cause them an injury. Move it out of reach.

  • Remove unsafe toys – kittens explore with their mouths, so any toys they could swallow (or pull apart and then swallow) need to be put away when a kitten is around.


We recommend that kitten-proofing begins at least a week before bringing home the new arrival. That leaves plenty of time to spot all those little things that we don’t normally notice!


Maybe put yourself in a kitten’s paws, thinking about what you’d be interested in if you were new to your home, but could actually be dangerous if you were a kitten.


Once your place is fully kitten-proofed, you’re one step closer to bringing that cute kitten home and watching them safely settle in.


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