Going straight to house training
It’s worth putting the effort in during those early days to bite the bullet and house train pups from the start. Initially, they need to go outside every half hour or so during the day and every few hours at night. When they start to go, say a cue word or phrase, such as ‘do your business’ or ‘wee-wees’. They will soon start to associate this with going to the loo and will understand what’s required of them when they’re taken outside and hear their cue.
Using puppy pads Puppy pads can be a very hand addition to your house-training routine. Put the pad down in a quiet corner, not too far from an outside door, and pop puppy over there regularly. Again, when they go, say a cue word or phrase, and they will soon start to associate this with going to the loo. Over time, move their pads nearer the door, so they learn to go outside when they need to do their business.